Writing, Art, and Publishing
Freyja T. Catton, MLIS, BFA (he/him or they/them)
Wordeater Consulting provides freelance copywriting services for artists, art publications, art institutions, non-profit organizations, and small businesses.
Wordeater Art is an independent art practice focusing on the connections between art and language.
Wordeater Publishing creates independent biweekly newsletters about art, and books about pirate hedgehogs!
Buy my wares! Lots of sparkly, sweary, spikey, and silly stuff. Find me at local alternative markets or check out my shop for original stickers, handmade patches, original drawings, prints, and art ephemera!
omnomnomnom word art.
I like words. A lot.
I like art. A lot.
I really like to put the two together and see what happens.
Systems thinking + creative details
There’s A Word For That!
I’m fascinated with language! I’m an art writer and accredited librarian, and I help others find the words as Wordeater Consulting.
I Have To Write This Down!
Art is a way to synthesize information and to understand the world. Writing and drawing are both forms of mark-making.
I’m all about play, process, and texture in my art.
With a healthy dose of existentialism and puns, of course.
Mission Statement
My vision is to help establish stronger documentation systems for contemporary Canadian art history.
Mmm… Fresh Word Salad
I like to make art, I like to have two-hour conversations about how the world works, and I like to write.
I’m a freelance writer, and I write regular newsletters, poetry, children’s picture books, social media and blog content, articles about anything and everything (but especially art), reviews, artist statements, essays, grants, and research articles.
I’m always thinking “there’s a word for that.” I like the challenge of figuring out what the word for that is.