1984 Cranes and Art NOW at Lethbridge

On October 30, 2019, I will be giving an artist talk at the University of Lethbridge for the Art NOW series!

After Baldessari: Exploring the Connections Between Language and Art
Noon, October 30, 2019 at the University Recital Hall.
Free admission, and everyone is welcome to attend!

Freyja Patton is a visual artist whose work explores the connections between language and art. For Patton, writing and drawing are synonymous, and art is simply another way to synthesize information and learn about the world around us. Patton will provide an overview of Their Work Thus Far and will discuss the influences of other text-based artists such as Baldessari and bpNichol, communication theory, language development, various language phenomenon, existentialism, and mark-making in their work. For the less theory-inclined, there will also be plenty of puns.

1984 Cranes
On November 2, 2019, I will be attending the opening reception at Casa for the second exhibition of my 1984 Cranes project!
This second exhibition will feature 984 cranes hanging from the ceiling, as well as a new second part of the project- an attempt to fold 1,000 cranes left on the floor. I was unable to complete folding them in time. Strike two for wish granting.
The reception starts at 7 pm. If you’re able to make it, please stop by and say hello, I’d love to see you!

CASA announcement - 1984 Cranes.jpg