On art shows, launch dates, and writing

Saturday, June 25 was the opening of the Annual Member’s Exhibition and Open House at Harcourt House Artist Run Centre! I’m showing two new drawings there and I’m excited for folks to see! I was able to volunteer for the opening, where I took some pictures, did some figure drawings, reconnected with the art community and, of course, consumed more art! The exhibition will be available until July 9, so get thee there while thy can!

Things have been busy here at Wordeater HQ!

This month I’ve registered Wordeater Consulting as a sole proprietor-owned writing business! I’ve set up pages on Facebook and Google I’m in the process of securing a city business license, new business cards, registering the GST account, sorting out taxes, and figuring out how to set up subscription services. Anderson Career Training Institute has been instrumental for me in figuring out how to do all this and I’m really excited to start out! The hard launch date for Wordeater Consulting is set for July 1, 2022 - end of the week!

I’ve set up writing packages in the shop and am currently looking for clients, especially in the arts and culture and non-profit industries. Please feel free to recommend me to anyone who might be interested in working with me, even if they don’t have the budget yet!

I’m keeping busy writing newsletter updates on SubStack. Most recently I’ve written about scams, Bluetooth, the new Thor Love and Thunder trailer, and a eulogy for my artistic cousin Jennifer. Last week I attended a conference on digital accessibility and archives, and I’m working on my news update on that today, so look forward to that! I’ve been working on my cosplay for the Thor movie and it is coming along nicely, especially now that I’ve been able to borrow a sewing machine! I’m a little quieter on Patreon, but I’m still working on things to share there. I have a couple more reviews for ARLIS/NA publications in the works, and I’m helping the Exhibitions SIG there launch a new publication called Library Exhibitions Review! I’ll be sure to post an update about that, we’ll be looking for reviewers pretty soon here.

Thanks for tuning in!

-Freyja T. Catton

Consuming The Wordeater

Greetings, Consumers!

I’m happy to announce I have secured a new day job!! Now that I’m not working in a manual labour survival job, I’ll have a lot more time and energy to dedicate to my art and writing projects. To that end, I have put together a posting schedule for my various media outlets in the hopes that it will encourage me to keep creating!

Wordeater News!
I’ll be posting articles, interviews, and reviews every other week in Wordeater News! These will be up on SubStack every other Friday! SubStack is a cool new-to-me service where you can subscribe to newsletters from your favourite creators, and the newsletters get sent straight to your email inbox. It’s a lot more efficient than expecting people to check my website a bunch. Eventually there may be a paid option (I imagine I’ll post double then), but for now it is FREE!

I’ll be posting new drawings, tour and tutorial videos, works in progress, etc. every other week on Patreon! Unfortunately it does require a monthly subscription but I’ve set up several price tiers (5, 10, 20, 50, or 1000/mo) with the hopes of fitting anyone’s budget. I’ll probably revisit the subscription setup later as I get more comfortable with the platform. I like the idea of mailing ya’ll some Wordeater Swag as a thank you, but I’m not quite sure how to set that up yet.

Social Medias!
I’ll be posting twice a week on my Instagram and Tumblr pages! Last year when I was the featured artist at Bleeding Heart Art Space, I found I really enjoyed posting based on the day of the week! I’m going to be bringing that more officially to my platforms. On #MyFaceMonday I share a selfie and talk about things I’m thinking about that might show up or have shown up in my practice. On Tuesdays I share installments of #FreyjaConsumesArt, where I show some of my favourite art by other people and talk about what I like about it. I use this series partly as a way to promote other artists and partly to help others learn how to talk about art. On #NewWorkWednesdays I show off some recent or work-in-progress art projects.

In February I will also be relocating from Calgary back to my Edmonton address. I’m looking forward to getting back into the Edmonton art scene!

Lots happening - join me on Instagram tomorrow for New Work Wednesday!