Well I have thoroughly been disappointed by the job hunt over the last fourteen months. I finished school and have applied to 145 different jobs with four interviews and no offers. Universal Basic Income has yet to be implemented so I am currently working a short-term 40 hour a week survival job. But I am eager to get back to creating again. I want to write, draw, cosplay, research, work on my book ideas, officiate queer marriages, and sponsor other artists! I have been having trouble focusing on any one thing recently so guess what? If you want to support a nonbinary hard of hearing ADHD artist or to contribute to my espresso addiction, well I am working on a few different ways to enable you to do that!
I am launching a Patreon account with monthly memberships and perks, as well as a regular subscription newsletter on SubStack! I’m going to see if I can cross-platform a bit, so if one channel is better than another then you won’t need to miss out, and I won’t have to overload myself with projects (ha, kidding, that’s just a Tuesday).
I have also launched a Ko-Fi account, which is an easy way to provide one-time donations to creators such as myself!
Still plotting that Etsy account but dealing with physical shipping requires a totally different game plan, so holding off on that for now. In the meantime if you have your eye on something in my art collection (I still post somewhat regularly on Instagram), or if you have a commission idea you need support with, feel free to reach out and let me know!
In solidarity of the post-capitalist system,